Canada Knits – Part 1

Canada Knits by Shirley A. Scott

Canada Knits by Shirley A. Scott

Reading this lovely book has slowed me down. Lots of text and an incredible historical story have made this a book to savor. I plan to read it all no matter how long it takes!

On a positive note, I’ve sold about 9 or 10 books. Off the shelves and out of the house. I some how feel a bit lighter. Onward! It’s given me new inspiration and hope that eventually my library will be a manageable and I’ll know where to find every book I own!

Why do I even own a book of the history of Canadian knitting? Is it my Canadian roots? Is it because I had met Shirley Scott (aka Shirl the Purl)? I really have no idea why I bought this book and have never read from cover to cover. It was published in 1990 so I have no excuse not to have read before now. Well I say – better late than never!

Canada Knits - back cover

Canada Knits – back cover

What have I found out so far? I’ve covered how knitting came to Canada and knitting from sea to sea. In Chapter 3, I learned what Canadians knit which includes war knitting, baby knits and some historical knits including wool long johns for year-round wearing. Can you only imagine?

I’m in the middle of Canada’s knitting yarns. This will be my next post.

Do I like the book? Yes. Is it worth a read? Yes. Will I keep the book? I’ll let you know next time and include a few more great pictures.

Stephanie Pearl-McPhee Casts Off

Stephanie Pearl-McPhee Casts Off

Stephanie Pearl-McPhee Casts Off

The sub-title of this book is “The Yarn Harlot’s Guide to the Land of Knitting”. The theme of 2007 book of essays is as you’ve guessed – traveling to the land of knitting and all that it entails along the way. It’s a clever little book with a bunch of good info along the way like a books titled “Good Reads for Knitters”.

Casts Off - back cover

Casts Off – back cover

I was amazed to find that I had had paid almost $15 dollars for this book. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a well-written, funny, and Stephanie Pearl-McPhee at her best book. The problem is that once I finished reading it (and I did read it from cover to cover), I wanted to move it along and off my shelves.

Clever illustrations

Clever illustrations

The book is full of illustrations. They make Stephanie’s words come to life.

More illustrations

More illustrations

The one part  that I didn’t include in a photo here, but there is a story that goes throughout the book in the form of letters about a knitter and her journey in becoming a full-fledged knitter.

Thumbs down for me, but only because I’ve read it and won’t read again.