June 2014 – 6 months PLUS Knits for Older Kids


Half of 2014 has gone by and I’ve only gotten through a few books. Sadly to say -VERY few! This is the sum total of my 2014 knitting book reading. Oh, I just realized my Tweed book is there. Mistake! There are even fewer….

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Here are more of the masses left. There are more hiding in various places, but you get the idea. I’ve really got to somehow find another plan with this book reading. I’m going to ponder this and will let you know my plan in next week’s post. By the way, I’ve already given up on making one project from each book.

This week’s book –

photo 1

As I scanned The Yarn Girls’ Guide to Knits for Older Kids, I thought that this one surely had no reason to be on my bookshelf. Then I started turning the pages. The book is very thoughtfully put together. The Basics section in the front of the book is perfect for a beginner or newer knitter. There are very good illustrations and techniques that you’d need for projects in the book.

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The unisex styling of the sweaters and nice intro stories about why the designers created each design is a nice touch. By the way, this book is part of a series of books written by Julie Carles and Jordana Jacobs who owned a yarn store in NYC called the Yarn Company.

Other than easy sweaters, there is a section with hats and scarves and a knit throw.

I love the striped sweaters below as it’s the perfect design to use up part balls of yarn and it’s a nice simple sweater for a boy or girl.

photo 3

Another sweater that was on top of my “keeper” list is the hoodie cardigan. I’d make this one for one of the kids of my nieces. It’s a practical, wearable sweater.

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I’ll give this one a thumbs up and add it to my meager pile!




Debbie Bliss Classic Knits for Kids


In keeping with my “baby/kid” book quest, I took a gander at Debbie Bliss Classic Knits for Kids with 30 Traditional Aran and Guernsey Designs for 0-6 year olds.

It was published in 1994 so some of the sweaters are a bit on the oversized look. However, I do know that Debbie does love to style and show baby/kids sweaters that have a loose and oversized look. She’s known for creating the kind of sweater that is perfect for growing into and will last for several years.

This is definitely a thumbs up book. I will say that when I looked it up on Amazon, new copies go for over $30 so I can’t be alone.

What did I love about the book: the photos are so sweet and the whole book has lovely styling. I love the fact that all the sweaters are one color with tons of texture in knit and purl stitches and interesting cabling.

What did I not like: I would have preferred to have separate stitch patterns or charts rather than row after row of patterning. When this book was publishing the default wasn’t charts for stitch patterning so that’s a minor complaint. The language is a bit “English” style rather than “American” which could be a bit off-putting to some.

My favorite sweater (especially after my Aran journey) is called Cotton Aran Sweater:


A few others I like –

yellow_sweater  gernesey



Vogue Knitting Baby Blankets


Two little books surfaced today. They don’t have tons of fluffy text, they simply have knitted patterns for baby blankets. I was really ready to move these to the “out-the-door” with other thumbs down books. Sadly I did find a few patterns that made me change my mind.

Here are a few stats on the books. The first Baby Blankets was published (Sixth & Spring) in 2000 as part of the On the Go series. The second, Baby Blankets Two (2004). Both have several pages of Basics which would be helpful to those without too much experience. Both have 24 patterns – kind of amazing in such little books. The photograph is good with simple still life views – not a baby in sight.

Here are a few of the ones that made me reconsider dumping these two. Sadly they aren’t the best photos. You can see that I’m in love with sampler styles and counterpane pieces. I also do love miters although, I’m not nuts of the colors used for the one shown.

baby_blanket2   baby_blanket3


Here are links to the books on Amazon. While not available as new, can still be purchased.



Baby Books Week


Notice I said Baby Books Week. This means more than one book this week. After getting bogged down with the last book, I’m determined to get a few more books under my belt.

I’m starting with two that are in the thumbs down category.

Candy Blankies and Candy Tots – both by Candi Jensen both crochet baby/toddler books. They are both nicely photographed and have contemporary layouts and styling. The problem is that there is only one pattern in both books that I might make. I’m going to make a copy of that pattern and move these books off my shelf.

Baby Ripple I’m saving –



I have more baby pattern books that I’ll discuss later this week. Can’t you just see the smile on my face!